

Delahaye Bugnotti Coupe




Delahaye Bugnotti Coupe. Figure Bella Bugnotti The coupe is a car retro-inspired sport that pays homage to the 57 S 1937 and Jean Bugatti Bugatty son. Among the features is the body made ​​entirely of carbon fiber. Be presented in the retro car at Pebble Beach in August 2010 Figure Bugnotti Beauty Delahaye Coupe was developed by the U.S. for many years, the design of the replica project Bugatti Type 57S Coupe and the body was designed originally developed by specialists from Chip Foose Hot Rod eight years ago. The most striking feature of the car is the car body, completely in carbon fiber produced through a process of vacuum infusion, with the collaboration of three G Services, Inc. The scale of Figure Bugnotti Bella Coupe will be launched at Auto Retro event, which is located in Pebble Beach, California, on 13 at 15 AG 2010



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